Approve a resolution providing for the rendition of the denial of application RZ 20-1282, an
application for rezoning from RSC-4 (Residential, Single Family) to RMC-12 (R) (Residential, Multi-
Family, Restricted) to allow for development of approximately 59 townhome units on a 4.94-acre
parcel designated Residential-12 (RES-12) by the Future Land Use Element of the Future of
Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan. The Board of County Commissioners voted to deny this
application during the April 13, 2021 BOCC Land Use Meeting.
Adopt a resolution providing for the rendition of the denial of application RZ 20-1282, an application
for rezoning from RSC-4 (Residential, Single Family) to RMC-12 (R) (Residential, Multi-Family, Restricted) to
allow for development of approximately 59 townhome units on a 4.94-acre parcel designated Residential-12
(RES-12) by the Future Land Use Element of the Future of Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan.