Public Hearing - Vacating Petition by Rhodine Holdings, LLC, and Belmond Reserve Community |
Development District to vacate a portion of a platted public drainage easement within Folio 077426- |
0505, in Riverview. |
Adopt a Resolution vacating a portion of a platted public drainage easement located within Tract 101 |
of Belmond Reserve Phase 1, as recorded in Plat Book 140, Page 198, of the public records of |
Hillsborough County, and being more particularly described in the Resolution. The proposed vacate area |
Is located within Folio 077426-0505 (no physical address), generally lying south of Rhodine Road |
and east of Balm Riverview Road, in Riverview, and consists of approximately 36,826 square |
feet (0.85 acres). The vacate area is part of a larger area that was originally designated for use as a |
drainage pond for the Belmond Reserve Development; however, this portion of land is no longer |
needed for drainage as part of the Cedarbrook Phase 6 Development. Rhodine Holdings, LLC and |
Belmond Reserve Community Development District (“Petitioners”), have submitted this request |
along with a separate submittal for a replat of the area with an adequate replacement public |
drainage easement (as further explained in the background) and will use the vacate area for |
residential lots. Reviewing departments, agencies, and utility providers have raised no objections |
to this request with the exception of the Public Works Stormwater Department, whose consent |
is conditioned upon the approval of the Cedarbrook Phase 6 replat which will provide an |
adequate replacement public drainage easement. The financial impact associated with this |
item consisted of required advertising per statute, recording fees and processing, estimated |
to be less than $175.00, which are paid for by the Petitioners. |