Vacation of Rights-of-Way, Easements & Plats
On agenda:
Final action:
Public Hearing - Vacating Petition V20-0012, a Petition by Stephen D. Steen, Diana Marie & Kenneth
Marlow Vance, Jacob Miller & Lisa Stockton, and Peter D. & Alison S. Farnan to vacate a portion of a 50-
foot wide unimproved platted public right-of-way, in Riverview, abutting Folios 075894-5000, 075891-0100,
075892-0000, and 075893-0000, in Riverview.
(a) Adopt a resolution vacating that east 25-foot wide portion of a 50-foot wide unimproved platted public right-
of-way known as Morrison Avenue, lying between lots 7-11, block 1 and lots 5-8, block 2, within the Copeland
And Morrison Subdivision of Lot 2 Plat, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 48, of the public records of
Hillsborough County, and being more particularly described in the Resolution. (b) Accept a drainage easement
over an existing ditch that flows to the Alafia River within the subject vacate area and within Folio No. 075894-
5000 (as further detailed in the Background).
The Petitioners desire to vacate the area to allo...
Public Hearing - Vacating Petition V20-0012, a Petition by Stephen D. Steen, Diana Marie & Kenneth |
Marlow Vance, Jacob Miller & Lisa Stockton, and Peter D. & Alison S. Farnan to vacate a portion of a 50- |
foot wide unimproved platted public right-of-way, in Riverview, abutting Folios 075894-5000, 075891-0100, |
075892-0000, and 075893-0000, in Riverview. |
(a) Adopt a resolution vacating that east 25-foot wide portion of a 50-foot wide unimproved platted public right- |
of-way known as Morrison Avenue, lying between lots 7-11, block 1 and lots 5-8, block 2, within the Copeland |
And Morrison Subdivision of Lot 2 Plat, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 48, of the public records of |
Hillsborough County, and being more particularly described in the Resolution. (b) Accept a drainage easement |
over an existing ditch that flows to the Alafia River within the subject vacate area and within Folio No. 075894- |
5000 (as further detailed in the Background). |
The Petitioners desire to vacate the area to allow for future use and to allow compliance with setback |
requirements. The proposed vacate area consists of approximately 5,250 square feet (.12 acres) and is generally |
located west of US Highway 301, south of Riverview Drive, and east of Moody Road, in Riverview |
(as further detailed in the Background). |
Reviewing departments, agencies, and utility providers have raised no objections, with the exception of Public |
Works whose consent is conditioned upon (i) the reservation of a drainage easement over a portion of the vacate |
area, and (ii) the conveyance of a new drainage easement by one of the Petitioners, both of which the requestor |
has agreed to (as further explained in the Background). |
The financial impact associated with this item consists of required advertising per statute, recording fees and |
processing, estimated to be less than $175.00, which are paid by the Petitioners. |