Agendas, Recaps, & Minutes

Meeting Name: Zoning Hearing Master Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/14/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: R. W. Saunders Sr. Public Library Ada T. Payne Community Room 1505 N. Nebraska Ave.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
RZ-PD 22-0567 A.1.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsRZ-PD 22-0567 LANDMARK ENGINEERING & SURVEYING CORPORATION The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0648 A.2.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0648 Remand Applicant: DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC Location: SE Corner of E College Ave & 24th St SE. Folio Number: 55033.6000 & 55037.3000 Acreage: 12.7 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin & SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: AS-1, RSC-6 & ASC-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-0671 A.3.RemandsApplication Number: MM 22-0671 Applicant: Symmes East Bay, LLC. / SEB2, LLC. Location: NW corner of East Bay Rd. and Symmes Rd. Folio Number: 050730.0000 + Multiple Acreage (+/-): 7.13 acres. more or less Comprehensive Plan: R-6 & R-9 Service Area: Urban Existing Zoning: PD 20-0287 Request: Major Modification to a Planned DevelopmentContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-0686 A.4.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-0686 Applicant: RYAN PLATE, 2022 BALM RIVERVIEW, LLC Location: SE Corner of S US Hwy 301 & County Rd 672. Folio Number: 77781.0000, 77781.0025, 77781.0200, 77783.0000 & 77786.0000 Acreage: 15.54 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (17-1402) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanContinued  Action details Not available
22-0696 A.5.Rezoning-Planned Development District & Major Modification DistrictApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0696 Applicant: Gary Miller / David Weekley Homes Location: 18029 Lake Reflections Blvd Folio Number: 014529.0300 Acreage (+/-): 29.2 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: R-2 Service Area: Urban Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to Planned DevelopmentContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0719 A.6.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0719 Applicant: SUNNY SIA Location: 250ft NW of E US Hwy 92 & Air Stream Ave Intersection. Folio Number: 82912.0000 Acreage: 3.94 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Seffner-Mango Existing Zoning: RSC-4 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Denial Development Services: Not supportable Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0853 A.7.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-0853 Danya Investment, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0857 A.8.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0857 Applicant: ROGER GRUNKE Location: 400ft SE of Davis Rd & Cindy Way Intersection. Folio Number: 37509.0000, 37509.0100, 37510.0000 & 37511.0500 Acreage: 4.57 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: RSC-4, RSC-2 & 82-0213 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0865 A.9.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-0865 Onicx, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0866 A.10.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0866 Applicant: CIRCLE K/ SCHAFFER CONSTRUCTION Location: 12001 E Big Bend Rd. Folio Number: 77690.5320 Acreage: 3.82 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RP-2 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Riverview & SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: AS-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
22-0867 A.11.Withdrawals and ContinuancesMM 22-0867 CWH Management, Inc. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0877 A.12.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-0877 Rick Olson This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
MM 22-0884 A.13.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-0884 Applicant: FRANCISCO J. OTERO-COSSIO Location: 1306 SW 10th St. Folio Number: 56406.0000 Acreage: 3.67 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin Existing Zoning: PD (06-0421) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-0927 A.14.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 22-0927 Applicant: HARJANI, JAYANT K, TRUSTEE, VEENU TRUSTEE & JULIANA Location: 5606 Puritan Rd. Folio Number: 38859.0000 Acreage: 0.98 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: RSC-3 Request: Rezone to RMC-6(R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-0945 A.15.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-STD 22-0945 Danny Hernandez / Freedom Sky Construction, Inc. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0948 A.16.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0948 Applicant: OMAR CHAUDRY Location: 12850 D 301 Hwy. Folio Number: 77653.2300 Acreage: 3.93 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: AS-0.4 & AS-0.4 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1082 A.17.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1082 R.D. Development, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with LDC Sec 10.03.02.C.2 .Continued  Action details Not available
22-1096 A.18.Rezoning Standard DistrictApplication Number: STD 22-1096 Applicant: Martin Commercial Properties Location: 3901 N 301 Hwy Folio Number: 042885.0000 Acreage (+/-): 0.855 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12 Service Area: Urban Existing Zoning: AS-1 & CI Request: Rezone to CIContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1107 A.19.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1107 Falcone & Associates, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1116 A.20.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 22-1116 Applicant: DAVID WRIGHT/TSP COMPANIES, INC Location: 405 Beverly Blvd. Folio Number: 70121.0000 Acreage: 12.1 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: PD (13-0939) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1120 A.21.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 22-1120 Applicant: HOUSH GHOVAEE, CEO- NORTHSIDE ENGINEERING, INC Location: 9027 Causeway Blvd. Folio Number: 47523.0100 Acreage: 5.11 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Greater Palm River Existing Zoning: PD (91-0116) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1169 A.22.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-STD 22-1169 Allan Nunez This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1195 A.23.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1195 Applicant: WILLIAM SULLIVAN, POTOMAC LAND COMPANY Location: E Side of Tomentosa Ave & Boyette Rd Intersection. Folio Number: 88392.0000, 8892.5000 & 88395.0000 Acreage: 19.13 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: AS-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
22-1204 A.24.Rezoning-Planned Development District & Major Modification DistrictApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1204 Applicant: RV Retailer Real Estate LLC / Tampa Electric Co. Location: 300' NE of E US Hwy 92 & Pasadena Dr Intersection Folio Number: 061837.0000, 061837.0100 & 082909.0000 Acreage (+/-): 137.5 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 & R-1 Service Area: Rural Existing Zoning: PD, 16-1151 & AR Request: Rezone to Planned DevelopmentContinued  Action details Not available
22-1225 A.25.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1225 Mattamy Homes This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1226 A.26.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1226 Applicant: DRURY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Location: 10277 E Adamo Dr. Folio Number: 68042.1400 Acreage: 5.43 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RMU-35 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: CG & CI Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1228 A.27.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 22-1228 Applicant: COUNCIL BAY FARMS, LTD Location: 5591 N 41 Hwy. Folio Number: 54191.0100 Acreage: 66.83 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: OC-20 & SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Apollo Beach & Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (06-1035) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1229 A.28.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1229 Applicant: JACOB EGAN-ONYX & EAST Location: E Side of Anthony Dr & Bryan Rd Intersection. Folio Number: 70641.0200 & 70655.0000 Acreage: 8.14 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: RSC-6 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1236 A.29.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1236 Applicant: HILL WARD HENDERSON, P. A Location: NW Corner of N Falkenburg Rd & Ashburn Lake Rd. Folio Number: 65456.0700 Acreage: 1.54 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: PD (03-0119) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1239 A.30.Withdrawals and ContinuancesMM 22-1239 Southcreek, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with LDC Sec 10.03.02.C.2Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1257 A.31.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1257 John Zonata This application is being Withdrawn by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with LDC Sec 10.03.02.C.2Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1330 A.32.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1330 Stephen Dibbs This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1337 A.33.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-PD 22-1337 BDG Sheldon, LLC. This application is being Withdrawn from the ZHM process.Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1338 A.34.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1338 Applicant: A & V DEVELOPMENT, LLC Location: W Side of N 50th St & Kirby St. Folio Number: 39016.0120, 39016.0200, 39018.0000, 39019.0000, 39020.0000 39021.0000, 39023.0000, 39025.0000 & 39029.0000 Acreage: 17.78 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-20 & RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: RSC-6 & PD (06-0997) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Not supportable Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1339 A.35.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1339 Applicant: JEB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC Location: 5804 N Occident St. Folio Number: 28098.0500 Acreage: 1.39 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: LI Service Area: urban Community Plan: Town ‘N Country Existing Zoning: PD (87-0143) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1340 A.36.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1340 Applicant: RK DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC Location: 1046 Cypress Village Blvd. Folio Number: 54245.0630 Acreage: 3.31 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (73-0186) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
MM 22-1392 A.37.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1392 Applicant: FLORIDA HOME PARTNERSHIP, INC/ MICHAEL MORINA Location: SE Corner of Sea Treasure Ct & 12th St. Folio Number: 79390.0000 Acreage: 6.81 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Wimauma Existing Zoning: PD (06-0103) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1431 A.38.Withdrawals and ContinuancesRZ-STD 22-1431 A Investments Development Corp. This application is being Withdrawn by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with LDC Sec 10.03.02.C.2Continued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1445 A.39.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-STD 22-1445 Applicant: A&M INVESTMENT TRUST LLC Location: 11553 S 41 Hwy. Folio Number: 51144.0000 Acreage: 2.3 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: OC-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Gibsonton & Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: CN Request: Rezone to CG RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinued  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-0698 C.1.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 22-0698 Applicant: DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC Location: 1010 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Folio Number: 71130.0000 Acreage: 0.43 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: PD (80-0206) Request: Rezone to CN (R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1303 C.2.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 2-1303 Remand Applicant: DAVID MULLEN Location: 4308 James L Redman Pkwy. Folio Number: 92242.5104 Acreage: 2.5 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-1 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: AS-1 Request: Rezone to CG(R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1449 C.3.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 22-1449 Applicant: KELLI CONTE Location: 310ft SW of Vel St & Railroad St Intersection. Folio Number: 79342.0000 Acreage: 0.27 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Wimauma & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: RSC-6 Request: Rezone to RSC-6(MH) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-STD 22-1452 C.4.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 22-1452 Applicant: SANDRA GRAY, TRUSTEE OF THE JAMES C. ROWLAND JACQUELINE C. ROWLAND TRUST DATED AUGUST 19, 1998. Location: 10526 Hunter Rd. Folio Number: 93886.4000 Acreage: 4.8 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-1 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to AS-1 RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0461 D.1.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0461 Applicant: T. TRUETT GARDNER & GARDNER BREWER HUDSON Location: NE Corner of Old Big Bend Rd & Simmons rd. Folio Number: 77557.0000, 77558.0000, 77569.0000 Acreage: 80.54 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6, UMU-20 & SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR, RSC-9 & PD (04-1820) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
MM 22-0860 D.2.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-0860 Applicant: SUNFIELD HOMES, INC & AMBERGLEN DEVELOPMENT, INC Location: NW Corner of US Hwy 301 & Alder Green Dr. Folio Number: 77771.9438 Acreage: 4.62 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: PD (04-1476) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0943 D.3.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0943 Applicant: BEAUCHAMP PROPERTIES, LLC Location: NW Corner of Beauchamp Rd & Hawk Griffin Rd. Folio Number: 81832.0000 & 81833.0000 Acreage: 14.93 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: LI-P Service Area: Rural Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: AI Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0949 D.4.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0949 Applicant: GRACE CONTRACTING & DEVELOPMENT, LLC/ DAVID B. SINGER; SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK LLP Location: 1003 Myrtle Rd. Folio Number: 76792.0500 Acreage: 7.59 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: ASC-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1103 D.5.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1103 Applicant: JACOB EGAN, ONYX & EAST Location: 200ft se OF Cone Grove Rd & Fern Hill Dr. Folio Number: 77173.0005 & 77173.0010 Acreage: 17.4 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
MM 22-1112 D.6.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 22-1112 Applicant: LANDSIDE INVESTMENTS, LLC Location: NE Corner of Watson Rd & Providence Rd. Folio Number: 74147.0000, 74147.0031, 74147.0525, 74147.0275 & 74147.0001 Acreage: 76.36 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: PD (97-0113) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1223 D.7.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1223 Applicant: PROPERTY RESERVE INC. Location: W Side of 12th St SE & Harvest Home Ct Intersection. Folio Number: 55237.0000 & 55237.0002 Acreage: 4.29 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1224 D.8.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1224 Applicant: PROPERTY RESERVE INC/ JACOB T. CREMER STEARNS WEAVER MILLER Location: 603 SE 12th St. Folio Number: 56731.0000 Acreage: 33.58 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
MM 22-1301 D.9.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1301 Applicant: CC SAFFOLD FARMS, LLC Location: E Corner of S US Hwy 301 & Saffold Rd. Folio Number: 79637.0100, 79715.4010 & 79715.4020 Acreage: 58.07 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: WVR-2 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Wimauma Existing Zoning: PD (19-0102) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available
SU-GEN 22-1222 E.1.Consent AgendaApplication Number: SU-GEN 22-1222 Applicant: DOUGLAS GEORGE DENBOER Location: 8919 Rocky Creek. Folio Number: 6560.0000 Acreage: 0.28 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Town ‘N Country Existing Zoning: RSC-6 Request: Nonconformity Special Use Permit to allow for the rebuilding of a legally non-conforming use and 50% expansion of a legally nonconforming density RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanHeard and Pending Recommendation  Action details Not available