Agendas, Recaps, & Minutes

Meeting Name: BOCC Land Use Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/9/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: County Center 2nd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 05-09-23 QR AgendaWelcome sign w.QR code.jpg
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
RZ-PD 18-0996 A.1.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsRZ-PD 18-0996 STREETFRONT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC This application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 22-1504 A.2.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 22-1504 SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK, LLP, DAVID B. SINGER The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0136 A.3.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: PRS 23-0136 Applicant: 6400 APOLLO BEACH BLVD HOLDINGS, LLC Location: 200ft N of Dolphin Cove Dr & Apollo Beach Blvd Intersection. Folio Number: 52054.0710 & 52055.0200 Acreage: 1.87 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Apollo Beach Existing Zoning: PD (77-0123) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Add development option for a surface parking lot to portions of development Pockets 78 and 81 RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0210 A.4.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0210 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the December 10, 2024, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9:00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0317 A.5.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0317 Applicant: ROBERT J. NORTON PE Location: 10845 Boyette Rd. Folio Number: 77621.0132 Acreage: 0.72 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: PD (97-0026) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase entitlements in Parcel Two from 26,000 to 28,325 square Feet to increase size of existing building from 6,000 to 8,325 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
V22-0019 A.6.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsV22-0019 Touchstone CDD and Lennar Homes LLC The application has been withdrawn by the staffContinuedPass Action details Not available
MM 22-0686 B.1.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-0686 Applicant: RYAN PLATE, 2022 BALM RIVERVIEW, LLC Location: SE Corner of S US Hwy 301 & County Rd 672. Folio Number: 77781.0000, 77781.0025, 77781.0200, 77783.0000 & 77786.0000 Acreage: 15.54 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (17-1402) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-0856 B.2.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-0856 Applicant: MARK BENTLEY, ESQ, B.C.S, AICP Location: E Corner of Citrus Park Dr. & Easy St. Folio Number: Portion of 3565.5000, 3566.0000, 3570.0000, 3570.0100 3570.0150, 3606.0000, 3566.0015 & 3570.0300 Acreage: 9.17 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 & UMU-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Northwest Hillsborough Existing Zoning: PD (89-0111) & PD (08-0087) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
MM 22-1086 B.3.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1086 Applicant: M & T ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC. Location: 8502 N Ladue Ln. Folio Number: 24168.0200 Acreage: 1.41 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: OC-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: PD (17-0625) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
MM 22-1340 B.4.Consent AgendaApplication Number: MM 22-1340 Applicant: RK DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC Location: 1046 Cypress Village Blvd. Folio Number: 54245.0630 Acreage: 3.31 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (73-0186) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1705 B.5.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1705 Applicant: CUTLER MARTIN Location: 850ft SE of E Martin Luther King Blvd & N US Hwy 301 Intersection. Folio Number: 42878.0000 & 42885.0000 Acreage: 4.79 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake-Orient Park Existing Zoning: AS-1 & CI Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0049 B.6.Consent AgendaHistoric Preservation Grant Award Agreement for Grant Application # 2023-01, Costa-Chandra House Designated Historic Landmark, 16116 Lake Magdalene Boulevard Approve the attached Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement in an amount not to exceed $12,500.00 for structural stabilization of the Costa-Chandra House Designated Historic Landmark located at 16116 Lake Magdalene Boulevard in the Lutz area (property folio 17008.0000).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0050 B.7.Consent AgendaBalm Grove West Pl#5542 Accept the plat for recording for Balm Grove West, located in Section 25, Township 31, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage, sidewalks, water and wastewater and off-site roadway) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $2,469,332.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $755,141.00 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required ImprovApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0051 B.8.Consent AgendaBell Shoals Church of Christ Off-Site PI# 3671 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Bell Shoals Church of Christ Off-Site located in Section 08, Township 30, and Range 21 (water main, force main and sidewalk) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $16,700.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0052 B.9.Consent AgendaBelmond Reserve Tract AC Retail Pl#4999 Accept the plat for recording for Belmond Reserve Tract AC Retail, located in Section 2, Township 31, and Range 20. Construction has been completed and has been certified by Ely Payne, a Florida Professional Engineer, with LevelUp Consulting, LLC. Improvements for this plat were accepted with Belmond Reserve Phase 1 on September 27, 2021. This plat is a commercial plat and has no school concurrency.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0053 B.10.Consent AgendaBerry Bay Village I-2 Pl#5076 Accept the plat for recording for Berry Bay Village I-2, located in Section 29, Township 32, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $42,654.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $18,456.00 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required Improvements. Also accept a ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0054 B.11.Consent AgendaHartford Street @ South 70th Street Off-Site Pl# 3967 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Hartford Street@ South 70th Street Off-Site located in Section 35, Township 29, and Range 19 (roadway improvements, tum lanes and access to Tower Dairy) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $106,695.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off­ Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0055 B.12.Consent AgendaMirabay Townhomes Phase 2 PI#4494 Accept the plat for recording for Mirabay Townhomes Phase 2, located in Section 28, Township 31, and Range 19. Construction has been completed and has been certified by Christopher N. O'Kelley, a Florida Professional Engineer, with Clearview land Design. Improvements for this phase were accepted with Mirabay Townhomes Phase 1. School Concurrency was approved based on a Developer Agreement and a payment of $39,604.00 was made on April 18, 2023.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0056 B.13.Consent AgendaTesla Collision Center Off-Site PI# 6143 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Tesla Collision Center Off-Site located in Section 32, Township 28, and Range 18 (forcemain) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $6,789.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0057 B.14.Consent AgendaTriple Creek Village Q PI#5002 Accept the plat for recording for Triple Creek Village Q, located in Section 01, Township 371, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (on-site roads, drainage, water, wastewater and sidewalks and off-site roads, drainage and sidewalks) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond for Colonnade Vista Drive, in the amount of $1,187,967.00, a Performance Bond in the amount of $1,505,363.00 for the remaining on and off-siteApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0059 B.15.Consent AgendaApprove 6 month extensions to the Agreements for Services for Susan M Finch and Pamela Jo Hatley to serve as Land Use Hearing Officers providing for continuity of service while an official solicitation for Land Use Hearing Officers is conducted.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0154 E.1.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0154 Applicant: EPG 1, LLC Location: 1600ft S of Bonita Dr & Crestview Rd Intersection. Folio Number: Portion of 79710.0586 Acreage: 13 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: WVR-2 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Wimauma Existing Zoning: PD (19-0102) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase the maximum range of units from 80-100 RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0223 E.2.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0223 Applicant: LCS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Location: 11499 Big Bend Rd. Folio Number: 77716.0001 Acreage: 1 acre, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: PD (81-0339A) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Add allowance for Wireless Communication Facility to a Development Pod RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
MM 22-1126 F.1.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 22-1126 Applicant: WOS PROPERTIES 1, INC Location: 10717 E 92 Hwy. Folio Number: 62821.0000 Acreage: 6.88 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: UMU-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Seffner-Mango Existing Zoning: PD (15-1034) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Denial Development Services: Not supportable Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 23-0035 F.2.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 23-0035 Applicant: AMQ INTERNATIONAL CORP Location: 1406 S Taylor Rd. Folio Number: 64279.0500 Acreage: 5.53 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Seffner-Mango Existing Zoning: RMC-9 (R) Request: Rezone to RMC-9(R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable with Restrictions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 23-0063 F.3.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 23-0063 Applicant: KALBANI MERVAT Location: N Side of Main St & Flint Ave Intersection. Folio Number: 60452.0100 Acreage: 1.93 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Thonotosassa Existing Zoning: CN & RSC-6 Request: Rezone to CG (R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Denial Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Inconsistent with the PlanApproved with ConditionsPass Action details Not available
2023-0058 J.1.County Attorney ItemsRZ-PD 20-1265, pursuant to Mattamy Tampa/Sarasota, LLC, et al v. Hillsborough County Approve rezoning RZ-PD 20-1265, pursuant to the court’s ruling in Mattamy Tampa/Sarasota, LLC, et al v. Hillsborough County, Case No. 21-CA-3990, which granted the petition for certiorari filed by Mattamy Tampa/Sarasota, LLC (“Mattamy”) and quashed the Board’s denial of RZ-PD 20-1265. On April 3, 2023, Judge Gabbard in her Order Granting Petition for Writ of Certiorari found that Mattamy had met their burden of proof to show that RZ-PD 20-1265 was compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and met procedural requirements, and the judge further ruled that the record on appeal did not contain competent, substantial evidence that RZ-PD 20-1265 was inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan or that maintaining the existing zoning classification accomplished a legitimate public purpose.ApprovedPass Action details Not available