Agendas, Recaps, & Minutes

Meeting Name: BOCC Land Use Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/18/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: County Center 2nd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
RZ-PD 18-0996 A.1.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsRZ-PD 18-0996 STREETFRONT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC This application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0136 A.2.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: PRS 23-0136 Applicant: 6400 APOLLO BEACH BLVD HOLDINGS, LLC Location: 200ft N of Dolphin Cove Dr & Apollo Beach Blvd Intersection. Folio Number: 52054.0710 & 52055.0200 Acreage: 1.87 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Apollo Beach Existing Zoning: PD (77-0123) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Add development option for a surface parking lot to portions of development Pockets 78 and 81 RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
DRI 23-0195 A.3.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsDRI 23-0195 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the December 10, 2024, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9.00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0210 A.4.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0210 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the December 10, 2024, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9:00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0299 A.5.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0299 MARK BENTLEY, B.C.S, AICP The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
DRI 23-0335 A.6.Public Hearings - Related ItemsDRI 23-0335 6400 APOLLO BEACH BOULEVARD HOLDINGS LLC Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed changes for the Apollo Beach Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Staff recommends approval in accordance with the attached resolution. This recommendation is based, in part, on the Apollo Beach Map H dated April 26, 2023. This development order amendment is accompanied by related application PRS 23-0136, which is a modification to PD 77-0123 (as most recently modified by PRS 22-0429).ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0372 A.7.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0372 FLORIDA HOME PARTNERSHIP, INC The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0374 A.8.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0374 JOHNSON DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, INC The application has been withdrawn by the applicantWithdrawnPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0382 A.9.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0382 Applicant: HILL WARD HENDERSON, P.A. Location: E Side of W Hanna Ave & Webb Rd Intersection. Folio Number: 6636.0000 & 6636.0100 Acreage: 46.34 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: P/QP & RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Town N Country Existing Zoning: PD (86-0163), PD (90-0179) & RMC-16 Request: Minor Modification to PD · Relocate emergency access entrance/exit point for PD and add access point to allow adjacent parcel access to Jackson Springs Road RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0440 A.10.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0440 DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC The application has been withdrawn by the applicantWithdrawnPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0508 A.11.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0508 MARK BENTLEY, ESQ, B.C.S, AICP The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0510 A.12.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0510 Applicant: WAL-MART STORES EAST, LP Location: 1208 E Brandon Blvd. Folio Number: 70023.6052 Acreage: 27.16 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: PD (00-0538) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase entitlements by 7,689 square feet and modify minimum parking ratio RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
V22-0019 A.13.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsV22-0019 Touchstone CDD and Lennar Homes LLC The application has been withdrawn by the staffContinuedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1640 B.1.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1640 Applicant: RD MANAGEMENT, LLC Location: S Side of Blue Rock Dr & N 22nd St Intersection. Folio Number: 35921.0000, 35921.0005, 35921.0025, 35921.0050, 35921.0075 35921.0080, 35921.0100, 35921.0110, 35921.0200, 35921.2000 36283.0000, 36298.0300 & 36283.0005 Acreage: 90.35 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: ICMU-35 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: University Existing Zoning: PD (19-1443), PD (74-0214) & CG Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan   Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1702 B.2.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1702 Applicant: JEFFREY ANDERSON Location: SE Corner of S Frontage Rd & Wiggins Rd. Folio Number: 90430.5000 & 90430.5500 Acreage: 15.9 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: PD & ZC Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0085 B.3.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0085 Applicant: ZION VILLAGE, LLLO/ DARREN SMITH Location: 5920 Robert Tolle Dr. Folio Number: 73871.0200 Acreage: 2.77 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: UMU-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: AS-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0066 B.4.Consent AgendaAvila Unit 14 Phase 2F PI#2657 Accept the plat for recording for Avila Unit 14 Phase 2F, located in Section 26, Township 27, and Range 18. Construction has been completed and has been certified by Clint R. Cuffle, a Florida Professional Engineer, with Water Resource Associates, LLC. School Concurrency does not apply to this project.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0067 B.5.Consent AgendaAvila Unit 14 Phase 2G PI#2657 Accept the plat for recording for Avila Unit 14 Phase 2G, located in Section 26, Township 27, and Range 18. Construction has been completed and has been certified by Clint R. Cuffie, a Florida Professional Engineer, with Water Resource Associates, LLC. School Concurrency does not apply to this project.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0068 B.6.Consent AgendaCarrollwood Landings Phase 3 PI#5663 Accept the plat for recording for Carrollwood Landings Phase 3, located in Section 08, Township 28, and Range 18, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage, sidewalks, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Letter of Credit in the amount of $27,607.56, a Warranty Letter of Credit in the amount of $217,871.08 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and WApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0069 B.7.Consent AgendaThe Motor Enclave Off-Site Pl# 5718 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve The Motor Enclave Off-Site located in Section 29, Township 28, and Range 20 (roadway improvements, drainage, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Check in the amount of $253,271.76 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off­ Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0070 B.8.Consent AgendaBrandon Regional Hospital - Bed Tower and ED Expansion Pl# 5805 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Brandon Regional Hospital - Bed Tower and ED Expansion Off-Site located in Section 27, Township 29, and Range 20 (roadway improvements, drainage, sidewalks and waterlines) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $32,499.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0071 B.9.Consent AgendaTemplo La Hermosa Off-Site Pl# 2681 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Templo La Hermosa Off-Site, located in Section 31, Township 29, and Range 21 (Fireline) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $45,000.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for WaiTanty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0072 B.10.Consent AgendaThe Crossing at Palm River Subdivision PI#5583 Accept the plat for recording for The Crossing at Palm River Subdivision, located in Section 27, Township 29, and Range 19, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities ( on-site roads, off-site drainage and sidewalks) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $43,537.50, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $147,641.50 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and WarranApprovedPass Action details Not available
V23-0007 C.1.Vacation of Rights-of-Way, Easements & PlatsPublic Hearing - Vacating Petition by SREG Sunset Land LLC to vacate a portion of an unimproved platted public right-of-way within Folio No. 13693-0200, in Lutz. Adopt a resolution vacating an approximately 23,087 square-foot portion of an unimproved platted public right-of-way. Staff notes that the Planning Commission has objected to vacating the eastern portion of the proposed vacating (approximately 11,800 feet) because those rights-of-way have potential connectivity and neighborhood circulation through the existing subdivision. The requested vacate area is South of and between Blocks 41, 42 and 43, within the plat of East North Tampa, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 128, of the public records of Hillsborough County within Folio No. 13693-0200 in Lutz. There have been multiple approved vacating resolutions within the subject plat, including the area easterly of the subject vacate area. The Petitioner, SREG Sunset Land LLC, has submitted this request to create a contiguous parcel and replat the property for a residential subdivision. Eleven County reviewing departments dApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0381 E.1.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0381 Applicant: HILL WARD HENDERSON Location: 6604 Simmons Loop. Folio Number: 77764.0100 Acreage: 4.2 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: PD (03-0764) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Reduce number of access points RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0458 E.2.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0458 Applicant: DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC Location: 970ft E of S US Highway 301 & Duncan Rd Intersection. Folio Number: 74123.0143 Acreage: 0.51 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: PD (05-1787) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase building height from 20 feet to 34 feet RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0502 E.3.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0502 Applicant: COLONNADE CROSSTOWN LLC Location: W Side of S US Hwy 301 & Courtney Palms Blvd Intersection. Folio Number: 44589.0000, 44595.0000, 44597.0000, 44650.0000, 44651.0000 44661.0000 & 71991.0000 Acreage: 158 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12, UMU-20 & RES-9 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Greater Palm River Existing Zoning: PD (19-1445) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Remove requirement for sidewalk along South 86th Street · Removal of parcel specific FARs RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0509 E.4.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 23-0509 Applicant: HARBORSIDE SUITES LLC Location: S Side of Bahia Beach Blvd & Destiny Dr Intersection. Folio Number: Portion of 31587.0000, 31587.0021 & 31587.0050 Acreage: 16.22 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin Existing Zoning: PD (05-1779) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Clarify Type of multi-family units Permitted RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0041 F.1.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0041 Applicant: 301 WIMAUMA LLC Location: NW Corner of Saffold Rd & S County Rd 579 Intersection, & Also 500ft S of S county Rd 579 & Hillsborough St Intersection Both Sides of the Street. Folio Number: 79454.0000, 79455.0100, 79456.0000, 79691.0000, 799692.0000, 79693.0000, 79698.0000, 79698.0010, 79699.0000, 79700.0000 79702.0000, 79852.0000 & 79852.0010 Acreage: 909.27 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: WCR-2 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Wimauma Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezoning to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
MM 23-0132 F.2.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: MM 23-0132 Applicant: G.L. ACQUISITIONS CORPORATION Location: 10550 Regents Park Dr & Also Parcel Located 200ft W of Weatherstone Dr & Regents Park Dr Intersection, S Side of St. Folio Number: 5923.0000 & 59230.0750 Acreage: 149.85 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: PD (72-0319) Request: Major Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanDeniedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1703 G.1.A.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: RZ-PD 22-1703 Applicant: THE WIDEWATERS GROUP, INC Location: 1550ft S of Graves Rd & Columbus Dr Intersection. Folio Number: 67906.0000, 67906.0010, Portion of 67907.0000 & Portion of 67911.0000 Acreage: 16.44 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: UMU-20 & RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: PD (05-0809) & PD (20-0447) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with the PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0033 G.1.B.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: PRS 23-0033 Applicant: WIDEWATERS GROUP, INC Location: 1600ft SE of Graves Rd & Columbus Dr Intersection, S of Graves Dr. Folio Number: 67907.0000 & 67911.0000 Acreage: 9.79 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: UMU-20 & RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: PD (05-0809) Request: Minor Modification to PD RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available