RZ-PD 18-0996
| A.1. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | RZ-PD 18-0996 STREETFRONT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0136
| A.2. | Public Hearings - Related Items | Application Number: PRS 23-0136
Location: 200ft N of Dolphin Cove Dr & Apollo Beach Blvd Intersection.
Folio Number: 52054.0710 & 52055.0200
Acreage: 1.87 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RES-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Apollo Beach
Existing Zoning: PD (77-0123)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Add development option for a surface parking lot to
portions of development Pockets 78 and 81
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0299
| A.3. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 23-0299 MARK BENTLEY, B.C.S, AICP
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Withdrawn | Pass |
Action details
Not available
DRI 23-0335
| A.4. | Public Hearings - Related Items | DRI 23-0335 6400 APOLLO BEACH BOULEVARD HOLDINGS LLC
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed changes for the
Apollo Beach Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Staff recommends approval in accordance
with the attached resolution. This recommendation is based, in part, on the Apollo Beach Map H
dated April 26, 2023.
This development order amendment is accompanied by related application PRS 23-0136, which is a
modification to PD 77-0123 (as most recently modified by PRS 22-0429). | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0372
| A.5. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 23-0372 FLORIDA HOME PARTNERSHIP, INC
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Withdrawn | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0382
| A.6. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 23-0382
Location: E Side of W Hanna Ave & Webb Rd Intersection.
Folio Number: 6636.0000 & 6636.0100
Acreage: 46.34 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: P/QP & RES-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Town N Country
Existing Zoning: PD (86-0163), PD (90-0179) & RMC-16
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Relocate emergency access entrance/exit point for PD and
add access point to allow adjacent parcel access to Jackson
Springs Road
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SU-LE 23-0498
| A.7. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: SU-LE 23-0498
Location: NE & SE of W Lutz Lake Fern Rd & Barrie Acres Trl Intersection.
Folio Number: 12933.0000, 12934.0000, 12935.0000, 12937.0000, 123937.0150
12939.0000, 12940.0000 & 12944.0000
Acreage: 308 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: A/R
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Keystone Odessa
Existing Zoning: AR
Request: Special Use- Land Excavation
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0508
| A.8. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 23-0508 MARK BENTLEY, ESQ, B.C.S, AICP
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
DRI 23-0591
| A.9. | Public Hearings - Related Items | DRI 23-0591 CORPOREX PROPERTIES OF TAMPA, INC
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve the proposed changes
for the Corporex Business Park Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Staff recommends approval
in accordance with the attached resolution. This recommendation is based, in part, on the Corporex
DRI Map H received on June 7, 2023. No change is proposed for DRI Map H.
This development order amendment is accompanied by related zoning application, PRS 23-0877. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0767
| A.10. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 23-0767 DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC
The application has been withdrawn by staff | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0789
| A.11. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 23-0789
Location: 300ft W of Balm Wimauma Rd & Balm d Intersection,
South Side of Balm Rd
Folio Number: 77876.0000, 7876.0050 & 77914.0000
Acreage: 165 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RP-2
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Balm
Existing Zoning: PD (17-0619)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify requirement for on-site retail in Village Node
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0838
| A.12. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 23-0838 BREWLAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC
The application has been withdrawn by staff | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0877
| A.13. | Public Hearings - Related Items | Application Number:
PRS 23-0877
6780 Lakeview Center Dr.
Folio Number:
99 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan:
Service Area:
Community Plan:
East Lake Orient Park
Existing Zoning:
CN, PD (84-0177) & PD (95-0048)
Minor Modification to PD
* Modify condition related to the timing of a required roadway
enhancement to allow specific parcel to develop without
construction of enhancement.
Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SU-LE 23-1003
| A.14. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: SU-LE 23-1003
Location: 1100ft NW of Old US Hwy 41 & Lavender Rd intersection.
Folio Number: 32830.0000 & 32841.0000
Acreage: 330.12 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: AR
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Little Manatee South
Existing Zoning: AR
Request: Special Use - Land Excavation
RECOMMENDATION: Approval | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0012
| A.15. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0012
Location: 11004 Bloomingdale Ave.
Folio Number: 73833.0000
Acreage: 2.5 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Brandon
Existing Zoning: PD (23-0257)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Remove references to maximum square footage/Floor Area Ratio
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0013
| A.16. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0013
Location: 1308 N 41 Hwy.
Folio Number: 55714.0000
Acreage: 2.36 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: OC-20
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Ruskin
Existing Zoning: PD (21-0551)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify access location and site design
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0018
| A.17. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 24-0018 MARK BENTLEY, ESQ., B.C.S., AICP
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Withdrawn | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0027
| A.18. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0027
Location: SW corner of 19th Ave NE & 30th St NE intersection, and W side of Clover
Ridge Ave & 30th St NE intersection.
Folio Number: 54962.0000, 54966.0010, 54975.0000, 54978.0000, & 55626.1721
Acreage: 71.2 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Ruskin
Existing Zoning: PD (19-0067)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify roadway configuration and design requirements
for multi-family in development Tracts H, I and J
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A.19. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | V22-0005 Trailside Citrus Park, LLC
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A.20. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | V22-0019 Touchstone CDD and Lennar Homes LLC
The application has been withdrawn by the staff | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A.21. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | V23-0011 MVCA, LLC and Falkenburg Capital, LLC
The application has been withdrawn by the staff | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
MM 23-0281
| B.1. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: MM 23-0281 Remand
Location: 12315 579 Hwy.
Folio Number: 60413.0000
Acreage: 44.34 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: OC-20 & R-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Thonotosassa
Existing Zoning: PD (04-1681)
Request: Major Modification to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Remanded | Pass |
Action details
Not available
MM 23-0614
| B.2. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: MM 23-0614
Location: 200ft NE of Town Center Blvd & Brandon Town Center Dr intersection.
Folio Number: 71878.0150
Acreage: 2.58 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: UMU-20
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Brandon
Existing Zoning: IPD-2 (90-0029)
Request: Major Modification to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0636
| B.3. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0636
Location: 8331 Double Branch Rd.
Folio Number: 5510.5000
Acreage: 2.67 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-4
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Town ‘n Country & Northwest Hillsborough
Existing Zoning: PD (16-0995)
Request: Rezone to RSC-4
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approval
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0729
| B.4. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0729
Location: 5822 Barry Rd.
Folio Number: 27444.0000
Acreage: .92 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: LI
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Town n’ Country
Existing Zoning: AI
Request: Rezone to M(R)
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, with Restrictions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 23-0784
| B.5. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: RZ-PD 23-0784
Location: 500ft NE of E Fowler Ave & Walker Rd intersection.
Folio Number: 60062.0000, 60063.0000, 60064.0000, & 60065.0000
Acreage: 4.81 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Thonotosassa
Existing Zoning: ASC-1
Request: Rezone to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| B.6. | Consent Agenda | Azalea Apartments Off-Site aka ZOM Causeway Commons Pl# 5740
Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the
Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Azalea Apartments Off-Site aka ZOM
Causeway Commons located in Section 25, Township 29, and Range 19 (water and roadways)
for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal, and approval of all required documentation.
Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the
warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration, or damage to
the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Check in the amount of $122,250.00 and
authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| B.7. | Consent Agenda | Big Bend Apartments Off-Site Pl# 5681
Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the
Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Big Bend Apartments Off-Site located in
Section 14, Township 31, and Range 19 (water, wastewater and turnlane) for Maintenance upon
proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration, or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $53,487.56 and authorize the Chair to
execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| B.8. | Consent Agenda | Ethiopian Orthodox Church Water Connection Off-Site Pl# 4353
Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the
Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Ethiopian Orthodox Church Water
Connection Off-Site located in Section 23, Township 29, and Range 20 (watermain) for
Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation.
Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the
warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the
Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Check in the amount of $4,430.00 and authorize the
Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| B.9. | Consent Agenda | Forest Brook Collector Rd 2nd Extension Ph 3 Bishop Road Improvements PI# 3066
Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the
Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve Forest Brook Collector Rd 2nd Extension Ph 3
Bishop Road Improvements located in Section 17, Township 32, and Range 20 (Bishop Road
Improvements) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal, and approval of all required
documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon
expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure,
deterioration, or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount
of $38,953.22 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off
Site Improvements. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| B.10. | Consent Agenda | Approve a resolution providing for the rendition of the denial of application RZ 22-0075,
an application for a rezoning to a Planned Development. The Board of County Commissioners
voted to deny this application during the October 10, 2023, Board of County Commissioner
Land Use Meeting.
Approve a resolution providing for the rendition of the denial of application RZ 22-0075, an application
for rezoning to a Planned Development. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0968
| E.1. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 23-0968
Applicant: TIM RANKIN
Location: NW Corner of Eichenfeld Dr & Medical Oaks Ave
Folio Number: 71487.1500
Acreage: 1.61 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-12
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Brandon
Existing Zoning: PD (83-0266)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Reduce number of access points and setbacks
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 23-0972
| E.2. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 23-0972
Location: NW Corner of Oak Preserve Blvd & Kinnan St
Folio Number: 59227.0084
Acreage: 61.8 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: NMU-4
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: None
Existing Zoning: PD (07-0533)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify number and type of access and site layout and add
residency age-restriction
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved with Conditions | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0014
| E.3. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0014
Location: 12001 E Big Bend Rd.
Folio Number: 77690.5320
Acreage: 3.95 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RP-2
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Riverview
Existing Zoning: PD (22-0866)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify location of buildings, parking and queuing lanes for car wash
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0019
| E.4. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0019
Applicant: BDG BIG BEND, LLC
Location: 11310 & 11344 S 41 Hwy.
Folio Number: 50933.0000 & 50933.0100
Acreage: 14.68 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Gibsonton
Existing Zoning: PD (91-0085) & ASC-1
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Increase entitlements by 550 square feet (6,300sf to 6,850sf) and
modify location of parking/loading areas in development Parcel 1
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0023
| E.5. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0023
Location: 300ft N of E Fowler Ave & University Square Mall intersection.
Folio Number: 35921.0000, 35921.0005, 35921.0025, 35921.0050, 35921.0075,
35921.0080, 35921.0100, 35921.0102, 35921.0110, 35921.0200,
35921.2000, 36283.0000, 36283.0005, & 36298.0300
Acreage: 90.35 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: ICMU-35
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: University
Existing Zoning: PD (22-1640)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify site plan/conditions to combine 3 development blocks
(Blocks 2, 3 and 4) into a single block
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved with Conditions | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 24-0024
| E.6. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 24-0024
Location: 3450 E Fletcher Ave.
Folio Number: 34975.0000
Acreage: 2.5 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RMU-35
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: University
Existing Zoning: PD (21-0748)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify development standards (setbacks, building coverage,
Building height) and traffic circulation
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditions | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
CDD 23-0620
| E.7. | Public Hearing-Land Use | CDD 23-0620 Petition to Establish Berry Bay II Community Development District (CDD)
Establish the Berry Bay II Community Development District (CDD) in accordance with the attached ordinance.
No direct financial impact to the County will occur as a result of this petition.
Of the approximate $120, 375,000 in total development costs, of which $112,350,000 is budgeted for
CDD-qualified (eligible for CDD funding) common area infrastructure development costs (“common costs”),
it is estimated that $23,768,574 (or 19.74% of total development costs and 21.2% of common costs)
will be funded with long-term CDD bond proceeds. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
MM 23-0407
| F.1. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: MM 23-0407
Applicant: BRIAN FUNK
Location: 180ft E of Brandon Pkwy & Gulf Stream Cir intersection, 600ft NE of
Brandon Pkwy & Gulf Stream Cir intersection.
Folio Number: 71593.0100
Acreage: 7.67 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-12
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Brandon
Existing Zoning: PD (87-0180)
Request: Major Modification to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 23-0422
| F.2. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: RZ-PD 23-0422
Location: S side of Morris Bridge Rd & Charlie B Way Intersection.
Folio Number: 59950.3000
Acreage: 2.69 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-6
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: None
Existing Zoning: AS-1
Request: Rezone to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Denial
Development Services: Not Supportable
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0443
| F.3. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0443
Location: SW corner of Race Track Rd & Gunn Hwy.
Folio Number: 2532.0000
Acreage: 2.32 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Keystone Odessa
Existing Zoning: RSC-2
Request: Rezone to CN-R
Zoning Hearing Master: Denial
Development Services: Not Supportable
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Denied | Pass |
Action details
Not available
MM 23-0520
| F.4. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: MM 23-0520
Location: 17951 N 41 Hwy.
Folio Number: 14005.0000
Acreage: 22.96 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: NMU-4 & R-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Lutz
Existing Zoning: PD (18-0638)
Request: Major Modification to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0552
| F.5. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0552
Location: SE corner of W SR 60 & Rain Frog Ln.
Folio Number: 93093.0352
Acreage: 5.45 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: None
Existing Zoning: AR
Request: Rezone to CI(R)
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0828
| F.6. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0828 Remand
Location: 6501 Orient Rd.
Folio Number: 40151.0100
Acreage: 1.2 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: CMU-12
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: East Lake-Orient Park
Existing Zoning: ASC-1
Request: Rezone to CG(R)
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Supportable
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Remanded | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-STD 23-0932
| F.7. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number: RZ-STD 23-0932
Location: NE corner of Henderson Ave & S Kingsway Rd, & eastside of S
Kingsway Rd & Ed Scanlon Ln intersection.
Folio Number: 64168.0000 & 64186.0000
Acreage: 1.54 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: R-4
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Seffner-Mango
Existing Zoning: RSC-6 & RSC-4
Request: Rezone to CG-R
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Supportable
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| F.08. | Regular Agenda Item | Patterson Road Residential Pl#5549
Accept the plat for recording for Patterson Road Residential, located in Section 29, Township 27,
and Range 17, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage,
water, and wastewater and off-site water extension) for Maintenance upon proper completion,
submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to
release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the
Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $26,611,539.00, a Warranty Bond in the
amount of $1,786,488.00 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for
Construction and War | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available