Agendas, Recaps, & Minutes

Meeting Name: BOCC Land Use Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/9/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: County Center, 2nd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Addendum Agenda Addendum Agenda  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: QR Code
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
RZ-PD 18-0996 A.1.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsRZ-PD 18-0996 STREETFRONT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC This application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 22-1390 A.2.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsRZ-PD 22-1390 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the April 08, 2025, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9.00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
DRI 23-0195 A.3.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsDRI 23-0195 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the April 08, 2025, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9.00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0210 A.4.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0210 GTIS METRO DG LLC This application is being Continued by the Applicant, as Matter of Right, to the April 08, 2025, Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9:00 A. M.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0838 A.5.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 23-0838 BREWLAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC The application has been withdrawn by staffWithdrawnPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0993 A.6.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0993 Applicant: CPI-3607, LLC & CITRUS PARK INVESTORS, LLC Location: 1950ft S of Citrus Park Dr & Citrus Park Ln Intersection. Folio Number: Portion of 3565.5000 & 3607.0000 Acreage: 2.447 acres more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 & UMU-20 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Northwest Hillsborough Existing Zoning: PD (22-0856) & PD (16-0559) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0027 A.7.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 24-0027 Applicant: CHANNELSIDE PARTNERS, LLC Location: SW corner of 19th Ave NE & 30th St NE intersection, and W side of Clover Ridge Ave & 30th St NE intersection. Folio Number: 54962.0000, 54966.0010, 54975.0000, 54978.0000, & 55626.1721 Acreage: 71.2 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Ruskin Existing Zoning: PD (19-0067) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Modify roadway configuration and design requirements for multi-family in development Tracts H, I and J RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
DRI 24-0030 A.8.Public Hearings - Related ItemsDRI 24-0030 CITIGROUP TECHNOLOGY INC Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve the proposed changes for the Sabal Center of Regional Impact (DRI). Staff recommends approval in accordance with the attached resolution. This recommendation is based, in part, on the Sabal Center DRI Map H received on April 15, 2024. Folios eligible for Phase 1 trip limited entitlement land use exchange have been added to Map H. No other changes are proposed for DRI Map H. This development order amendment is accompanied by related zoning application, MM 24-0758.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0129 A.9.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsPRS 24-0129 CITIGROUP TECHNOLOGY INC The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0227 A.10.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: PRS 24-0227 Applicant: WSI LAKEVIEW, LLC Location: 6700 Lakeview Center Dr. Folio Number: 42145.5020 Acreage: 19.22 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RCP Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: PD (95-0048) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Modify site plan to incorporate into site plan an area of vacated right-of-way RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0309 A.11.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 24-0309 Applicant: MOHAMAD ALI HASBINI/TRUSTEE Location: 250ft N of Channing Park Rd & Boyette Rd Intersection, & W Side of Boyette Rd. Folio Number: 88427.0000 Acreage: 9.26 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RP-2 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Boyette Existing Zoning: PD (98-0006) Request: Minor Modification to PD * Modify site plan and conditions to allow 2 single-family lots RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0385 A.12.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 24-0385 Applicant: METRO DEVELOPMENT GROUP Location: 400ft S of Jackel Chase Dr & Lagoon Shore Blvd Intersection, & W Side of the St. Folio Number: Portion of 78878.0000, Portion of 78878.0010 & 78932.1496 Acreage: 31.68/ acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 & RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Wimauma Existing Zoning: PD (05-0210) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase building height for multi-family from 35 feet to 49.5 feet. RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to ConditionsContinuedPass Action details Not available
V22-0005 A.13.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsV22-0005 Trailside Citrus Park, LLC The application has been withdrawn by the applicantContinuedPass Action details Not available
V22-0019 A.14.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsV22-0019 Touchstone CDD and Lennar Homes LLC The application has been withdrawn by the staffContinuedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0109 B.1.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0109 Applicant: RYAN MEYER AS MANAGER OF PANAMINT-SYMMES ROAD LLC Location: 7515 Symmes Rd Folio Number: 51281.0100 Acreage: 4.88 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Gibsonton & Southshore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 23-0588 B.2.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-STD 23-0588 Applicant: DAVID WRIGHT/ TSP COMPANIES, INC Location: 200ft S of Lithia Pinecrest Rd & Bell Shoals Rd Intersection E of Bell Shoals Rd. Folio Number: 71130.0000 & 71132.0000 Acreage: 1.02 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: ASC-1 & CN(R) Request: Rezone to CN(R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0785 B.3.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0785 Applicant: JOHNSON POPE/ MARK BENTLEY, ESQ, B.C.S, AICP Location: 12398 Bull Frog Creek Rd. Folio Number: 77457.0100 Acreage: 122.18 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview and SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: PD (85-0317) Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanContinuedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0992 B.4.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0992 Applicant: SHREE KULKARNI Location: 75ft W of Warren Oaks Pl & Symmes Rd Intersection, & North Side of the Symmes Rd. Folio Number: 77076.0000, 77169.1202, 77169.1204, Portion of 77169.1002 & Portion of 77169.1164 Acreage: 17.04 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 & RES-4 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Riverview and SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: AR, PD (18-1457) & RSC-6 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 24-0033 B.5.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 24-0033 Applicant: RYAN COMPANIES US, INC Location: 14020 & 14036 S 301 Hwy. Folio Number: 77779.0800 & 77779.0810 Acreage: 14.73 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview and SouthShore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 24-0116 B.6.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-STD 24-0116 Applicant: JAMES & ALICIA BARRINGTON Location: 2806 Bryan Rd. Folio Number: 73227.0000 Acreage: 1.24 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Brandon Existing Zoning: ASC-1 Request: Rezone to RSC-4 RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 24-0146 B.7.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-PD 24-0146 Applicant: HBWB DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, LLC Location: 3500ft E of US Hwy 301 & Bill Tucker Rd Intersection & N of the Bill Tucker Rd. Folio Number: 77938.0020, 77951.0000 & 77951.0075 Acreage: 24.5 acres more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 24-0195 B.8.Consent AgendaApplication Number: RZ-STD 24-0195 Applicant: TODD PRESSMAN Location: 5223 579 Hwy. Folio Number: 64679.1004 Acreage: 1.66 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Seffner-Mango Existing Zoning: RSC-4 Request: Rezone to RMC-9 RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approval Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0036 B.9.Consent Agenda2004 Florida Street Off-Site PI# 5837 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve 2004 Florida Street Off-Site located in Section 24, Township 29, and Range 20 (Gravity Sewer Main) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Check in the amount of $571.50 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0037 B.10.Consent AgendaNorth Hillsboro Moose Lodge #1741 Off-Site PI# 4896 Grant permission to the Development Services Department to administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities to serve North Hillsboro Moose Lodge #1741 Off-Site located in Section 24, Township 29, and Range 20 (watermain and forcemain) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $9,990.00 and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0038 B.11.Consent AgendaSimmons Village North aka Spencer Glen North PI#5644 Accept the plat for recording for Simmons Village North aka Spencer Glen North, located in Section 13, Township 31, and Range 19, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the On-site and Off- Site Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $4,550,962.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $823,283.00 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's AgreementApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0039 B.12.Consent AgendaWest Lake Phase 1 On-Site and Off-Site PI#6289 Accept the plat for recording for West Lake Phase 1, located in Section 16, Township 32, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the On-site and Off-Site Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $21,426,210.85, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $1,390,029.84 and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty ApprovedPass Action details Not available
V23-0011 C.1.Withdrawls, Continuances and RemandsV23-0011 MVCA, LLC and Falkenburg Capital, LLC The application has been withdrawn by the staffContinuedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0064 E.1.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 24-0064 Applicant: TONY MUNIZ, JR. Location: 650ft W of Sun City Center Blvd & Upper Creek Dr Intersection, North Side of Sun City Center Blvd. Folio Number: 56777.0000 Acreage: 0.33 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Sun City Center Existing Zoning: PD (73-0186) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Increase entitlements (from 100 to 3500 sq. ft.) and modify permitted uses RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 24-0279 E.2.Public Hearing-Land UseApplication Number: PRS 24-0279 Applicant: TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY Location: NE & SE Corners of Sinclair Hill Rd & West Lake Burrell Dr. Folio Number: 34161.0000, 34166.0000 & 34274.0100 Acreage: 30.54 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: OC-20 & R-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: University Existing Zoning: PD (03-1124) Request: Minor Modification to PD · Modify sidewalk location on 12th Street, access design on Sinclair Hills Road, location of access to recreational area, and design of recreational area RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApproved with ConditionsPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0540 F.1.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0540 Applicant: FRANCISCO J. OTERO-COSSIO Location: 450ft N of Gibsonton Dr & Old Gibsonton Dr Intersection. Folio Number: 50011.0000, 50015.0000 & 76334.0000 Acreage: 16.96 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Gibsonton, SouthShore Areawide Systems Existing Zoning: RSB & ASC-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0776 F.2.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0776 Applicant: DR. MONICA LAKE Location: 10901 McMullen Loop. Folio Number: 76389.0500 Acreage: 1.499 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-6 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview Existing Zoning: ASC-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 23-0783 F.3.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 23-0783 Applicant: WILLIAM L WILLIAMS JR/ TRUSTEES ET AL Location: 10205 Riverview Dr. Folio Number: 75687.0000 Acreage: 62.9 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-4 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Riverview, Southshore Areawide Systems Plan Existing Zoning: ASC-1 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-STD 24-0074 F.4.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-STD 24-0074 Applicant: TODD PRESSMAN Location: S Side of Porter Rd & Harris Ranch Rd Intersection. Folio Number: 93711.0000 & 93711.0200 Acreage: 18.33 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RES-1 Service Area: Rural Community Plan: None Existing Zoning: AR Request: Rezone to AS-1(R) RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Restrictions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
RZ-PD 24-0142 F.5.Regular Agenda ItemApplication Number: RZ-PD 24-0142 Applicant: LENNAR HOMES Location: 5415 Palm River Rd. Folio Number: 43520.0000 Acreage: 7.62 acres, more or less, Comprehensive Plan: RES-9 Service Area: Urban Community Plan: Greater Palm River Existing Zoning: RSC-6 Request: Rezone to PD RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Hearing Master: Approval Development Services: Approvable, subject to conditions Planning Commission: Consistent with PlanApprovedPass Action details Not available
DRI 23-0591 G.1.A.Public Hearings - Related ItemsDRI 23-0591 CORPOREX PROPERTIES OF TAMPA, INC Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve the proposed changes for the Corporex Business Park Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Staff recommends approval in accordance with the attached resolution. This recommendation is based, in part, on the Corporex DRI Map H received on June 7, 2023. No change is proposed for DRI Map H. This development order amendment is accompanied by related zoning application, PRS 23-0877.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
PRS 23-0877 G.1.B.Public Hearings - Related ItemsApplication Number: PRS 23-0877 Applicant: CORPOREX PROPERTIES OF TAMPA, INC Location: 6780 Lakeview Center Dr. Folio Number: 42145.5040 Acreage: 99 acres, more or less Comprehensive Plan: RCP Service Area: Urban Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park Existing Zoning: CN, PD (84-0177) & PD (95-0048) Request: Minor Modification to PD * Modify condition related to the timing of a required roadway enhancement to allow specific parcel to develop without construction of enhancement. RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to conditionsApprovedPass Action details Not available