RZ-PD 18-0996
| A.1. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | RZ-PD 18-0996 STREETFRONT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0362
| A.2. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 21-0362 CASA VERDE MHC LLC
The Applicant is requesting the item be continued, as a Matter of Right, to the October 12, 2021 Board of
County Commissioners Land Use Meeting at 9:00 A.M. | Withdrawn | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 21-0422
| A.3. | Public Hearings - Related Items | Application Number:
RZ-PD 21-0422
Clint Cuffle
N of E Keysville Rd & Lupton Pl.
Folio Number:
93140.0600, 93142.0000,
93268.0300, 93268.0400
93282.0200, 93282.0400
159.68 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan:
A/M, A/R & RES-1
Service Area:
Community Plan:
Existing Zoning:
PD (82-0223), PD (86-0113) & AR
Rezone to PD
Zoning Hearing Master:
Development Services:
Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission:
Consistent with Plan | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0474
| A.4. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 21-0474 SALEM HOLDINGS LLC
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0695
| A.5. | Public Hearings - Related Items | Application Number: PRS 21-0695
Applicant: CLINT CUFFLE, P.E.
Location: 1250ft W of Cedar Grove Church Rd & 970ft N of E Keysville.
Folio Number: 93268.0300 & 93268.0400
Acreage: 72.13 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: A/M, A/R & RES-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: None
Existing Zoning: PD (82-0223)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify site plan and conditions to reflect removal of 52.2
acres from PD
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0696
| A.6. | Public Hearings - Related Items | Application Number: PRS 21-0696
Applicant: CLINT CUFFLE, P.E
Location: N Side of E Keysville & Lupton Pl Intersection.
Folio Number: 93282.0400 & 93282.0200
Acreage: 54.47 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: AR & RES-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: None
Existing Zoning: PD (86-0113)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify site plan/conditions to remove parcel from Planned
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0699
| A.7. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-0699
Location: E Side of 4th St SW & 720ft S of W College Ave.
Folio Number: 55263.0000 & 55264.0000
Acreage: 9.02 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: SMU-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Ruskin & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan
Existing Zoning: PD (05-1786) & CI
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Eliminate uses and operating hour restrictions, modify building
Envelopes, add access points, increase entitlements
(from 75.000 sq. ft. to 78,750 sq. ft.)
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, subject to Revised Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0840
| A.8. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-0840
Location: 5241 Lithia Springs Rd
Folio Number: 87689.0000
Acreage: 17.73 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RES-2
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Boyette
Existing Zoning: PD (16-0913)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Increase percentage of area permitted to have accessory open storage
of RV’s/boats in associated with a mini-warehouse facility
Development Services: Not Supported
Planning Commission: Inconsistent with Plan | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-0918
| A.9. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-0918
Location: 3920 S Kings Ave
Folio Number: 74418.0100
Acreage: 5.41 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RES-4
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Brandon
Existing Zoning: PD (96-0129)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Remove daycare use, modify building/site layout, reduce building
square footage (from 53,985 to 33,806 sq. ft.) modify internal
vehicular/pedestrian circulation
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1034
| A.10. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-1034
Location: 500FT SE of 19th Ave NE and 30th St NE intersection
Folio Number: 54957.0000 & 54963.0000
Acreage: 19.08 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: SMu-6
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Ruskin
Existing Zoning: PD (19-0067)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Add new access connection
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1035
| A.11. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 21-1035 BELLEAIR DEVELOPMENT, LLC
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1037
| A.12. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-1037
Location: 7835 Gunn Hwy
Folio Number: 3117.0000
Acreage: 11.32 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: CPV
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Citrus Park Village
Existing Zoning: CPV-G5 & 04-0315
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Add access and additional parking
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1038
| A.13. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | PRS 21-1038 BELLEAIR DEVELOPMENT, LLC
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A.14. | Vacation of Rights-of-Way, Easements & Plats | Public Hearing - Vacating Petition V20-0012, a Petition by Stephen D. Steen, Diana Marie & Kenneth
Marlow Vance, Jacob Miller & Lisa Stockton, and Peter D. & Alison S. Farnan to vacate a portion of a 50-
foot wide unimproved platted public right-of-way, in Riverview, abutting Folios 075894-5000, 075891-0100,
075892-0000, and 075893-0000, in Riverview.
(a) Adopt a resolution vacating that east 25-foot wide portion of a 50-foot wide unimproved platted public right-
of-way known as Morrison Avenue, lying between lots 7-11, block 1 and lots 5-8, block 2, within the Copeland
And Morrison Subdivision of Lot 2 Plat, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 48, of the public records of
Hillsborough County, and being more particularly described in the Resolution. (b) Accept a drainage easement
over an existing ditch that flows to the Alafia River within the subject vacate area and within Folio No. 075894-
5000 (as further detailed in the Background).
The Petitioners desire to vacate the area to allow for future use and to allow compliance with setback
requirements. The propo | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 21-0551
| B.1. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: RZ-PD 21-0551
Location: 1308 N 41 Hwy.
Folio Number: 55714.0000
Acreage: 2.38 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: OC-20
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Ruskin & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan
Existing Zoning: CG & 83-0403
Request: Rezone to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 21-0554
| B.2. | Withdrawls, Continuances and Remands | RZ-PD 21-0554 FREDERICK & BARBARA PATRICK
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
MM 21-0562
| B.3. | Consent Agenda | Application Number: MM 21-0562
Location: 19309 N 41 Hwy.
Folio Number: 12256.0000
Acreage: 1.47 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: RES-1
Service Area: Rural
Community Plan: Lutz
Existing Zoning: PD (18-0989)
Request: Major Modification to PD
Zoning Hearing Master: Approval
Development Services: Approvable, Subject to Conditions
Planning Commission: Consistent with Plan | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.4. | Consent Agenda | Release of Performance Security
Release the performance securities posted by Lennar Homes, LLC for performance of
restoration of habitat within Balm Scrub Preserve. | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.5. | Consent Agenda | Antigua Cove Phase 3A
Accept the plat for recording for Antigua Cove Phase 3A, located in Section 1&2, Township 32,
and Range 18, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage,
water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all
required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance
securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review
Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to
release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and
correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a
Performance Bond in the amount of $914,008.13, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $42,769.65,
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and
Warranty of Required Improvements. Also accept a Perfor | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.6. | Consent Agenda | Bivona Apartments 90th St & 32nd Ave Improvements
Grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services Department to
administratively accept the Required Off-Site Improvement Facilities (off-site roadway, drainage
and sidewalk) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required
documentation, and construction final acceptance by the Development Review Division of
Development Services Department to serve Bivona Apartments 90th St & 32nd Ave
Improvements, located in Section 36, Township 29, and Range 19. Also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $35,944.40 and authorize the Chairman to
execute the Agreement for Warranty of Required Off-Site Improvements. | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.7. | Consent Agenda | Copeland Creek On-site and Off-site aka Copeland Farms
Accept the plat for recording for Copeland Creek On-site and Off-site, located in Section 37,
Township 27, and Range 17, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of
Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads,
drainage, water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and
approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the
performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the
Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $1,715,768.63, a Warranty Bond in the
amount of $111,307.22, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for
Construction and Warran | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.8. | Consent Agenda | Fontanarosa Village
Accept the plat for recording for Fontanarosa Village, located in Section 21, Township 28, and
Range 18, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development Services
Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roadway and sanitary sewer)
for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required documentation.
Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for construction and
lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of Development Services
Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the warranty security upon
expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration
or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Check in the amount of
$4,375.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $3,304.00, and authorize the Chairman to execute
the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required Improvements. Also
accept a Performance Bond for Pla | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.9. | Consent Agenda | Forest Brooke Active Adult Ph 4, 5B, 6B, 8B & Collector Road 2nd Ext Ph 2
Accept the plat for recording for Forest Brooke Active Adult Ph 4, 5B, 6B, 8B & Collector Road
2nd Ext Ph 2, located in Section 17, Township 32, and Range 20, and grant permission to the
Development Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept
the Improvement Facilities (water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion,
submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to
release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the
Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $4,179,678.49, a Warranty Bond in the
amount of $140,154.54, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.10. | Consent Agenda | Gesualdo Village fka Manhattan Townhomes
Accept the plat for recording for Gesualdo Village fka Manhattan Townhomes, located in
Section 28, Township 28, and Range 18, and grant permission to the Development Review
Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement
Facilities (sanitary sewer) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all
required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance
securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review
Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to
release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and
correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a
Performance Check in the amount of $16,686.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $1,432.00,
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and
Warranty of Required Improvements. Also ac | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.11. | Consent Agenda | Ridgewood West Phase 2 fka Rhodine Road West Phase 2
Accept the plat for recording for Ridgewood West Phase 2 fka Rhodine Road West Phase 2,
located in Section 33, Township 30, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development
Review Division of Development Services Department to administratively accept the
Improvement Facilities (Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail) for Maintenance upon proper completion,
submittal and approval of all required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to
release the performance securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the
Development Review Division of Development Services Department and also provide the
administrative rights to release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period,
warranty inspection and correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement
Facilities. Accept a Warranty Bond in the amount of $2,274.11 and authorize the Chairman to
execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Warranty of Required Improvements. Also accept a
Performance Bond for Place | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.12. | Consent Agenda | Sanctuary at John Moore Road
Accept the plat for recording for Sanctuary at John Moore Road, located in Section 15, Township
30, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (roads, drainage,
water and wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all
required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance
securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review
Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to
release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and
correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a
Performance Bond in the amount of $2,208,310.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of
$89,796.80, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction
and Warranty of Required Improvements. Also | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.13. | Consent Agenda | Forest Brooke Phase 7A & 7B aka Southshore Bay Phase 7A & 7B
Accept the plat for recording for Forest Brooke Phase 7A & 7B, located in Section 17, Township
32, and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (water and
wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required
documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for
construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of
Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the
warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of
any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond
in the amount of $2,156,318.94, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $167,392.62, and authorize
the Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required
Impr | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.14. | Consent Agenda | Valencia Del Sol Phase 3C
Accept the plat for recording for Valencia Del Sol Phase 3C, located in Section 32, Township 31,
and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (water and
wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required
documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for
construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of
Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the
warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of
any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond
in the amount of $1,477,058.25, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $47,174.35, and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required
Improvements. Also accept a Performance Bo | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.15. | Consent Agenda | Valencia Del Sol Phase 3D
Accept the plat for recording for Valencia Del Sol Phase 3D, located in Section 32, Township 31,
and Range 20, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (water and
wastewater) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all required
documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance securities for
construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review Division of
Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to release the
warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and correction of
any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a Performance Bond
in the amount of $80,340.00, a Warranty Bond in the amount of $2,950.00, and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction and Warranty of Required
Improvements. Also accept a Performance Bond f | | |
Action details
Not available
| B.16. | Consent Agenda | Copper Creek Townhomes
Accept the plat for recording for Copper Creek Townhomes, located in Section 7, Township 31, and
Range 20. Accept a Performance Bond in the amount of $473,272.91 and authorize the Chairman to
execute the Subdivider's Agreement for Construction of Required Improvements. Also accept a
Performance Bond for Placement of Lot Corners in the amount of $8,125.00 and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Subdivider’s Agreement for Performance - Placement of Lot Corners. | | |
Action details
Not available
| C.1. | Vacation of Rights-of-Way, Easements & Plats | Public Hearing - Vacating Petition V21-0007, a Petition by Mark Allen Newsome, Tamara Newsome, Mary
W. Zaleski, and James Zaleski to vacate a portion of a platted 50-foot wide right-of-way abutting Folios
76891-0110, 76892-1050, and 77169-1902 located east of Balm Riverview Road and south of Tucker Road,
in Riverview.
Adopt a Resolution vacating that certain portion of a platted 50-foot wide unimproved public right-of-way known
as 1st Street, lying between Lots 2-3, Block 2 and Lots 1-2, Block 8, within the Revised Plat of Rodney-Johnson’s
Riverview Highlands, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 21, of the public records of Hillsborough County,
and being more particularly described in the Resolution, legal description, and sketch attached hereto. The
proposed vacate area is located adjacent to Folio No. 76891-0110 (11215 Tucker Road) owned by Mary W.
Zaleski and James Zaleski (“Zaleski Property”), and Folio No. 76892-1050 (no physical address) and Folio No.
77169-1902 (11321 Palm Avenue), both owned by Mark Allen Newsome and Tamara Newsome
(collectively “News | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1039
| E.1. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-1039
Location: S Side of E Hillsborough Ave & 500ft W of Orient RD.
Folio Number: 41188.0000 & 41191.0000
Acreage: 2.72 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: OC-20
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: East Lake Orient Park
Existing Zoning: PD (18-0404)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Increase maximum building height from 50 feet to 64 feet and modify
number and location of access and cross access points
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Proposed Conditions | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
PRS 21-1041
| E.2. | Public Hearing-Land Use | Application Number: PRS 21-1041
Location: NE Corner of Summerfield Blvd & Panther Trace Blvd.
Folio Number: 77435.0010 & 77435.0020
Acreage: 26.13 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan: P/QP & RES-4
Service Area: Urban
Community Plan: Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan
Existing Zoning: PD (85-0139)
Request: Minor Modification to PD
· Modify site design, capacity and grade levels for existing Hillsborough
County School and add shared park and recreation facilities with
Hillsborough County
RECOMMENDATION: Approvable, Subject to Conditions | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
CDD 21-0480
Establish the Mangrove Point and Mangrove Manor Cypress Ridge Community Development District
(CDD) in accordance with the attached ordinance.
Of the approximate $14,464,317 budgeted for CDD-qualified common area infrastructure development costs
(“common costs”) total of $10,716,326 (or about 74%) of the will be funded with long-term CDD bond
proceeds. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
CDD 21-0952
Approve expansion of the Touchstone Community Development District (CDD) in accordance with the attached
ordinance. No direct financial impact to the County will occur as a result of this petition.
Of the approximate total of $1,620,000 budgeted for CDD-qualified common area infrastructure development
Costs (“common costs”) within the expansion area, it is estimated that $260,609 (or about 16%) of total
development costs will be funded with long-term CDD bond proceeds. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RZ-PD 20-1266
| F.1. | Regular Agenda Item | Application Number:
RZ-PD 20-1266 ( Remanded)
11841 Balm Riverview Rd.
Folio Number:
4.86 acres, more or less
Comprehensive Plan:
Service Area:
Community Plan:
Riverview & Southshore Areawide Systems Plan
Existing Zoning:
Rezone to PD
Zoning Hearing Master:
Development Services:
Not Supported
Planning Commission:
Inconsistent with Plan | Remanded | Pass |
Action details
Not available