Creek Ridge Preserve Phase I
Accept the plat for recording for Creek Ridge Preserve Phase I, located in Section 23, Township
30, and Range 21, and grant permission to the Development Review Division of Development
Services Department to administratively accept the Improvement Facilities (water, wastewater
and off-site roadway) for Maintenance upon proper completion, submittal and approval of all
required documentation. Also provide the administrative rights to release the performance
securities for construction and lot corners upon final acceptance by the Development Review
Division of Development Services Department and also provide the administrative rights to
release the warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period, warranty inspection and
correction of any failure, deterioration or damage to the Improvement Facilities. Accept a
Performance Letter of Credit in the amount of$30,518.43, a Warranty Letter of Credit in the
amount of$ I 70,191.36, and authorize the Chairman t...